People all across the world participate in the practice of decorating homes for Halloween. Although purchasing ready-made Halloween accessories and decorations is simple, it isn't very enjoyable. Building something yourself not only allows you to save money, but it also gives it a more unique touch. Whatever the size or cost of a handcrafted decoration, it will be the ideal way to showcase your originality.

It's important to carefully examine the external areas when decorating your house for Halloween. All the locations—from the patio and garden to the front entrance and windows—are ideal for putting up cheap Halloween decorations. It is the platform where you are free to showcase your talent.

Although there are several options available, we have put together a selection of easy DIY outdoor Halloween decorations that will wow your visitors and onlookers.

DIY Outdoor Halloween Decoration Ideas

Pumpkin on the Porch

Pumpkins are very significant to Halloween. You may use them in your porch in addition to making jack-o-lanterns, which is what they are often used for.

DIY outdoor Halloween decorations
Image: 17 Apart

A multi-ethnic group of school children are indoors in a classroom. They are wearing casual clothing. They are sitting on the floor and eagerly listening to their teacher read a storybook.

A major benefit of smaller class sizes is students typically receive additional attention.(GETTY IMAGES)

It has long been advocated that smaller class sizes will boost student performance.

Supporters, which include many parents and instructors, contend that smaller classrooms allow for more individualized attention for each student, which boosts test scores, grades, and behavior problems. However, opponents of class-size reduction initiatives contend that such changes just divert funds from other priorities without significantly improving students' academic performance.

“No one’s going to argue against the substantive argument for reducing class sizes, right?” says Douglas Ready, a public policy and education professor at Columbia University in New York. “It sounds great. Teachers want it. Parents want it. Everybody wants it. The issue is paying for it and finding teachers to do it.”

Benefits and Challenges of Smaller Classes

According to Ready, there have been sizable, randomized control trials, which are typically regarded as the gold standard in study design, looking at the impacts of class-size reduction. These research discovered a link between reduced class sizes and higher test scores.

The Student/Teacher Achievement Ratio (STAR) project, a Tennessee experiment, began in 1985. It placed 7,000 kindergarten students in 79 schools in classrooms of varied sizes.

According to a report on the study published in the scholarly journal Teachers College Record, after four years, the students who had been assigned to small courses were between two and five months ahead of their counterparts in bigger classes. The smaller group pupils continued to gain advantages even after the trial was over and the students were placed back in regular classroom settings. They nearly had a full school year on their classmates by the seventh grade.

Then, in 1996, Wisconsin carried out a related study comparing adolescents in classes of 12 to 15 kids with those in classes of 21 to 25 students, with a focus on schools serving low-income students. Again, a federal review of the study found that kids in smaller classes performed better on tests.

“The research is crystal clear that smaller classes lead to better student outcomes in every single way that can be measured,” says Leonie Haimson, executive director of the nonprofit organization Class Size Matters, which promotes smaller class sizes.

However, the outcomes of more recent research utilizing various methodologies have proved conflicting.

For one, reducing class sizes means hiring more teachers, which has long been a challenge for districts, Ready says.

Many of the increases in test scores, according to a study of class-size reduction in New York City public schools from 2009 to 2013, were countered by reductions brought on by the "new teacher effect." According to the paper, class size reduction can "significantly boost student achievement," but only if schools can accomplish it without jeopardizing the caliber of their teachers.

California started a program in 1996 to decrease class sizes by giving districts $650 for each pupil in kindergarten through third-grade classes with 20 or fewer children. Approximately 30,000 new teachers were promptly employed by districts, but the program cost the state billions of dollars.

Inexperienced and uncertified teachers made up a large portion of those educators, according to a report from the Public Policy Institute of California. And in schools with a high percentage of low-income pupils, where nearly 25% of students had a teacher with two years of experience or less and 30% had a teacher who was not fully credentialed, the issue was particularly serious for Black students. Only 12% of white pupils at schools with fewer impoverished students had a teacher with two years or less of experience, and only 5% had a teacher with incomplete credentials.

However, a review of studies on the class size reduction initiative reveals that it “had a positive and significant influence on student achievement,” according to a Princeton University researcher. “Black students seem to have benefited” from class-size reduction “more than any other racial or ethnic group.”

Alternatives to Reducing Class Size

Some education experts contend that raising teacher wages would be a better use of the millions of dollars needed to fund widespread attempts to reduce class sizes, “thus increasing the size (and arguably the quality) of the teacher labor pool,” Ready wrote in a report.

Even while experts dispute reports of a statewide teacher shortage, many school districts have had trouble filling positions because of the pandemic. Federal data show that in January 2022, 44% of public schools reported having at least one vacancy, and 61% attributed the rise in teacher and staff vacancies to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Over the years, fewer individuals have chosen to pursue careers as teachers. According to the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, there were more than 200,000 undergraduate education degrees given each year in the 1970s, but less than 90,000 were awarded in 2018.

“We are in a moment of extreme teacher shortage, and it’s likely to get worse,” According to Bryan Hassel, co-president of the education advocacy organization Public Impact. “The idea that we would say now in that environment, ‘You need to find and keep another 25, 30, 40% more teachers,’ is a recipe for disaster because who’s going to fill those slots?”

Instead, states and school districts should try to increase their capacity for small-group tutoring by hiring paraprofessionals, such as teaching assistants, Hassel argues.

“There is strong evidence that having small groups learn from a teacher or a paraprofessional in a tutoring setting is very effective,” Hassel says. “Schools really should be trying to increase the amount of that that goes on, but that can happen in a larger class. You can have 25 kids in a room. Some are working intensively in a tutoring environment with the teacher; the others are doing projects, doing other work.”

What Parents Can Do

Haimson advises parents to talk to political authorities, school board members, and principals about studies showing the advantages of smaller classes.

“Whether you're talking about academic achievement or social, emotional recovery from the pandemic, the best way to ensure that happens for all kids is to be able to offer them small classes,” she says. “We hope that parents will act as their children's advocates and push for that at the local level.”

In the meantime, Ready advises parents to concentrate on teacher quality.

“If a district can afford to have smaller class sizes and maintain teacher quality, great," he says. "But in most parts of the U.S., there are trade-offs."

Ask the instructor or other school personnel if you have questions about your child being in a large class "what plans they have to ensure that kids are getting individual attention even though the class is large, such as small-group work within the large class" or having more paraprofessionals, Hassel says.

"The value of small classes likely comes from the extra attention students get," he notes, "and so there are other ways to get students that attention if you're stuck with a large class."

It's common to believe that you could be doing more to improve yourself. But being too harsh on yourself won't help you become a better person. In actuality, the reverse is true.

Your capacity to treat those around you with kindness and compassion will increase the more self-kindness and self-compassion you can cultivate. Additionally, helping others might give your life a deeper sense of purpose. Even your physical and emotional health may benefit from it.

Here are some suggestions for incorporating self-improvement into your everyday routine and letting go of self-critical ideas.

You've undoubtedly heard it a million times, but maintaining a gratitude journal of your blessings can significantly change your outlook. According to research, practicing thankfulness every day can reduce stress, enhance sleep quality, and foster happier interpersonal relationships.

If you're having trouble figuring out what you should be thankful for, Anna Hennings, MA, a mental performance coach in sport psychology, suggests utilizing the acronym GIFT.


In your list of things to be thankful for, search for examples of:

  • Growth: personal growth, like learning a new skill
  • Inspiration: moments or things that inspired you
  • Friends/family: people who enrich your life
  • Tranquility: the small, in-between moments, such as enjoying a cup of coffee or a good book
  • Surprise: the unexpected or a nice favor

Hennings advises including the reason for your gratitude together with the items you're glad for.

Make an effort to notice individuals around you when you see them, advises psychologist Madeleine Mason Roantree. This might be done in a variety of ways, such as nodding or smiling to strangers passing by or greeting everyone who enters the workplace.

By doing this, even if you don't have a deep relationship with someone, you can notice that you feel more present and connected to others around you.

Even a little period of electronic abstinence can be good to your health. Take a break from your phone for a few hours the next time you have nothing to do.

Instead, consider taking a walk and getting in touch with your ideas.

Take a break from your phone, whether it be for a few hours or the full day. Try going outside to connect with nature or meeting up with friends in person as an alternative. Keep in mind that even a brief vacation from your phone might help you relax and concentrate on what makes you happy.

It's simple to get sucked into being too critical of your perceived flaws and harsh with yourself. Hennings claims that this destructive self-talk can reduce our motivation in general.

It can be challenging to find motivation to move toward self-improvement if, for example, you frequently remind yourself that you aren't a decent person.

Declare a fact and then be optimistic to practice positive self-talk.


The next time you find yourself feeling incompetent or overwhelmed, try telling yourself:

“I know this change is going to be challenging, but I’ve put a lot of meaningful thought into it and have considered all the options open to me [fact], so I feel confident I am doing the best I can in this moment [optimism].”

The difficult part is recognizing when you are thinking negatively and consciously choosing to change your perspective. However, with enough practice, this will get simpler.

Giving others the benefit of the doubt can help you feel more purposeful and less alone.

Try to be kind to someone you don't know:

  • Give a complete stranger a compliment.
  • Purchase lunch for your coworker.
  • Send a friend a card.
  • Give to someone who is in need.

“You’ll notice your mood lift a little when you do good for the sheer joy of it,” says Roantree. According to studies, merely keeping track of acts of kindness for a week can increase gratitude and happiness.

It's easy to eat your food quickly without paying attention to your body when you're caught up in the middle of a busy day.

You can check in with both your physical and emotional well-being when you eat mindfully.

Take your time eating a meal, even if it's simply a sandwich. Take note of the various flavors and textures. “It’s a type of mini meditation that can act as a simple ‘de-stressor,’” says Roantree.

You may feel grouchy and unproductive throughout the day if you are not properly slept. Sleep for seven to eight hours every night.

Reduce your coffee intake in the afternoon, take a melatonin pill, or unwind in a warm bath or shower before bed to find strategies to increase the quality of your sleep.

Spend a moment concentrating on your breathing before drifting off to sleep, waiting in line for the bus, or at the grocery store. Deep breathing exercises have been demonstrated to boost our bodies' natural relaxation response and manage stress, even for a few minutes a day.


Roantree suggests trying the following technique:

  • As you typically would, inhale.
  • Make sure your exhalation is longer than your inhalation.
  • Continue doing this until you begin to unwind. If you want to count, try inhaling for four counts, holding for seven, and then expelling for eight.

Whether you have a relaxing or stressful day at home depends on how you feel about it.

Set a timer for 30 minutes the next time you have some free time, then complete a few small housekeeping tasks to brighten your day, like:

  • sanitizing the bathroom mirror.
  • putting up that beloved photograph you've been meaning to show.
  • arranging your workspace.

Spend some time relaxing in your newly cleaned environment as a reward for yourself; apply a face mask, for example, in the bathroom.

Holding on to regret, sadness, and hatred affects others. You are also hurt by it. Any of these feelings will have an impact on your mood and how you treat everyone, including yourself.

“Harboring unforgiveness breads negative thoughts,” says Catherine Jackson, a licensed clinical psychologist and neurotherapist. “Decide to let it go and make a plan to never go to bed angry.”

Self-care is frequently associated with manicures and spa visits (which are all great ways to destress). Jackson, though, asserts that regular self-care goes far beyond pampering. “It’s also about eating well and getting enough nutrition to support your brain and body,” she explains.

Similar to this, make sure you're moving your body mindfully or exercising, spending time with people, and relaxing or taking some time off for yourself.

These don't have to take a lot of time. Find brief 10- or 20-minute periods of time during the day to go for a walk outside or to make yourself a bowl of fresh fruit.

Many of us have the propensity to dwell on what has been said to us and frequently replay it in our minds. Jackson advises extending empathy and understanding to the other person as well as to ourselves, as opposed to taking things personally and being judgmental of oneself.

Consider all the ways you influence others for the better, and attempt to list them in a journal every day. Again, these need not be elaborate displays.

Perhaps you held the door open for a person hauling a few large suitcases. Or, when you saw the coffee was running low at work, you started preparing a fresh pot.

If you find you’re still struggling to change your frame of mind, Jackson advises to think of it this way: “Tomorrow is a new day, so if you beat yourself up today about something, let yourself off the hook and start fresh tomorrow.”


Try to treat yourself the same way you would a loved one. Would you constantly talk down to your best friend if they had an “off” day and dropped the ball on something?

Hopefully not. And you shouldn’t talk to yourself that way, either.

It's common to grow preoccupied with striving to improve oneself. However, the first step in becoming a better person is to treat yourself with the same loving care that you do other people.

This entails being gentle with yourself when you fall short of your goals and being kind to yourself when you're having a terrible day.

Remember that there are several strategies to improve oneself; the ones listed here are but a handful. Try to incorporate the things that make you feel the happiest and most nurturing into your daily life.

Technology has advanced at an exponential rate over the last few decades, altering areas of our lives that had previously been constant for generations. People have started to blindly trust internet-based services as a result of its rising popularity, giving them access to intimate personal data. Gmail is one such internet service that amasses a lot of personal data. Gmail knows you better than your parents, from your date of birth and phone number to your monthly spending. Therefore, it makes sense that customers could be reluctant to give Gmail personal information like their phone number. If you want to protect your privacy, read on to find out how to sign up for a Gmail account without providing a phone number.

How to create a Gmail Account without Phone Number Verification

Why Does Gmail Ask for Your Phone Number?

Numerous users log in daily to large websites like Google, the majority of them are bots or phony accounts. As a result, many businesses are compelled to incorporate numerous levels of verification to make sure that only legitimate users may access their service.

Additionally, it has become very challenging to keep track of all the technological devices that people have started to buy. Therefore, Google has added a second layer of protection using phone numbers in addition to the conventional email and password login. The corporation can utilize the user's phone number to validate a log-in if they suspect it was made from an erroneous device.

How to create a Gmail Account without Phone Number Verification

Having said that, the options listed below should work just fine for you if you want to keep your phone number private but still want to create a Gmail account.

Method 1: Use a Fake Phone Number

Three options are given when setting up a new Google account: For myself, For my child, and To manage my business. Accounts formed to manage enterprises require phone numbers for verification, and age-related factors are not taken into account at all. Making a fake phone number in these circumstances is a clever workaround. Here's how to bypass Google verification using a phony phone number:

1. Proceed to the  Google Sign-in pageand then click "Create an account"

2. From the list of alternatives, select "To manage my business," as seen below.

Click on ‘To manage my business to create a business Gmail account | How to create a Gmail Account without Phone Number Verification

3. To proceed, enter your first and last name, your email username, and your password.

Click on Next

4. Open a new tab and head onto Receive SMS. Choose one of the available countries and phone numbers based on your preferences.

Select any one based on your preference

5. The next page will display a slew of fictitious phone numbers. For any of these, click on "Read received SMS," as illustrated.

Click on ‘Read received messages’ | How to create a Gmail Account without Phone Number Verification

6. To "copy the number" to your clipboard, click on it.

7. Return to the "Google sign-in page" and "paste the phone number" you copied before.

Note: Make careful to update the Country Code as needed.

8. Return to the "Receive SMS website" to acquire the OTP needed for login in. To access the "OTP," click on "Update Messages."

Enter the number in the designated place

This is how to set up a Gmail account without using your personal phone number for verification.

Method 2: Enter your Age as 15 Years

Another method for fooling Google and avoiding phone number verification is to enter your age as 15. Google assumes that small children do not have mobile phone numbers and gives you the thumbs up to continue. This strategy may work for accounts that you establish with the For myself or For my child selections. However, in order for this to operate, you must erase all cookies and cache stored in your web browser.

1. Launch Chrome in Incognito mode by pressing Ctrl + Shift + N keys together.

2. Navigate to Google Sign-in page, and fill in all details as explained in the previous method.

Note: Make sure to fill date of birth as it would be for a 15-year old kid.

3. You will be allowed to skip Phone number verification and thus, you should be able to create a Gmail account without phone number verification.

Method 3: Buy a Burner Phone Service

Attempting to log into Google with a free phone number does not always work. Google recognizes phony numbers the majority of the time. On other times, the number has already been linked to the maximum number of Gmail accounts that can be created. Purchasing a burner phone service is the best method to avoid this issue. These services are competitively priced and generate unique phone numbers on demand. Burner App and DoNotPay are two such applications that generate virtual phone numbers and will assist you in creating a Gmail account without the need of a phone number.

Method 4: Enter Legitimate Information

If Google believes that the information you are entering is valid, it will allow you to skip phone number verification. So, if Google keeps asking for phone number verification, the best thing to do is wait 12 hours and then try again with more credible personal information.

Method 5: Use Bluestacks to create a Gmail account without phone number verification

Bluestacks is an Android emulator that allows Android apps to run on desktops. It is compatible with both Windows and Mac operating systems. In this technique, we will utilize this program to create a Gmail account without using a phone number.

1. Download Bluestacks by clicking here. Install the app on your PC by running the .exe file.

Bluestacks download page

2. Launch Bluestacks and go to Settings.

3. Next, click on the Google icon and then, click Add a Google account.

4. You will be given two options: Existing and New. Click on New.

5. Enter all details as prompted.

6. Finally, click on Create an account to create a Gmail account without phone number verification.

Note: Remember to include a Recovery email address in case you lose your login information for this newly created account.

We hope this guide was helpful and that you were able to create a Gmail account without using your phone number. If you have any further questions about this article, please leave them in the comments area.

One of the purest institutions and bonds between two people is marriage. People take vows for a purpose, and it is up to you to make sure you honor each one of them. Although it is true that marriages are made in heaven, things aren't always as they seem. You will fight, argue, and argue a lot on this roller coaster journey. There will be times when you want to kill your husband because he is so annoying. What is most impressive about all of this is how you two have survived it all and are still in love with one another. You two need to stick together while doing this. You can keep up a healthy relationship with your husband with only a little bit of understanding, a lot of patience, and some deliberate efforts.

And if, after all these years or if you're a newlywed lady, you're still unsure about the various ways to keep a strong connection with your husband, then you should be here. We will provide you with some practical advice that is sure to work.

1. Be a good listener

husband wife

Sit your spouse down and ask him to tell you about his day if you see he is stressed when he gets home from a long day at work. Avoid agitating him with your own complaints and resentments because doing so will just make him feel worse. Help him relax by being a good listener.

2. Spend good time with your husband

husband wife cooking

It's crucial to do this, yet most couples frequently overlook it. Making ensuring you spend quality time with your hubby is important. You both need to take some time for yourselves, despite how busy you are and what happens. Talk to each other, go on dates, and generally act like a couple.

3. Honesty should be maintained

You need to make sure that there is honesty in all situations. Just avoid lying about anything because once you have, the temptation to lie more frequently will be there. Your honesty will be greatly appreciated by your husband, we are confident.

4. Sometimes let go

Your husband may argue with you at times even when it wasn't your fault. To occasionally let go of such things in the name of love is acceptable. Just nod your head in agreement and carry on. However, refrain from doing this all the time lest he begin to take you for granted.

5. Never raise your voice when angry

wife shouting at husband

As we previously stated, arguments and disagreements are rather common in all relationships. Never raise your voice or yell at your husband, though. His macho ego might take a hit from this, and before you know it, things might grow worse. If you have a concern, alert him to it in a tactful yet firm manner.

6. Rekindle the lost spark and romance

husband wife date

The most crucial action is to maintain a healthy and active relationship. Some couples simply grow accustomed to their daily routine as the years go by and don't change anything. Rekindle your romance by taking him out on dates, surprising him, sending him flowers, cooking him a dinner, and so forth.

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